Leading Tanker Transport Service

Trusted Tanker Experts

Our Story and Services

Neptune Logistic is a renowned tanker fleet chartering company based in Russia, specializing in fuel delivery globally. With a wealth of industry experience and reliable partnerships, we offer end-to-end logistics solutions tailored to your needs.

Neptune Logistic began its journey with a vision to revolutionize the fuel transportation industry, ensuring seamless delivery worldwide.

Core Values

Our Commitment to Excellence


We prioritize reliability in all our services, guaranteeing timely and secure fuel deliveries to our clients.


Transparency is at the core of our operations, ensuring clear communication and trust with our partners and customers.


We embrace innovation to constantly improve efficiency and provide cutting-edge solutions in the logistics industry.

Наш адрес:
Россия,г.Краснодар, ул.Набережная 13/89

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